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The Future of Business: Digitale Transformation, sicher in der Cloud
Webcast Series

Part 3: Cloud Security – No Chance for Hackers

The Future of Business: Digital Transformation, Secure in the Cloud

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Part 3: Cloud Security – No Chance for Hackers

Icon location-pin Webcast Series
Icon location-pin Online
Icon calendar November 07, 2024
Icon clock 16:00 - 16:45 CET (Berlin)
10:00 - 10:45 EST (New York)
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Gain valuable insights and practical knowledge for your IT strategy! Discover the critical steps of digital transformation, from the evolution of EDI to modern B2B, achieving maximum flexibility with “iPaaS Plus”, ensuring comprehensive cloud security, and leveraging the technical advantages of cloud operations in AWS.

Explore key digital transformation topics in five detailed sessions and learn about secure cloud migration strategies to build a future-proof IT infrastructure.

October 10, 2024

The Evolution From EDI to Modern B2B
Digital transformation has fundamentally changed the demands placed on EDI. In this webcast, you will learn how traditional EDI processes have evolved into a complex and dynamic world. You will learn about the new challenges facing B2B managers, including innovative solutions from SEEBURGER that can help you future-proof your business processes for the demands of "modern B2B".

Stuart Prouse, Business Development Director, SEEBURGER
Dave Suffecool, Director Pre-Sales, SEEBURGER

October 24, 2024

Maximum flexibility With iPaaS Plus
In this webcast you will learn how SEEBURGER offers you maximum flexibility when using our BIS Platform. Whether using BIS in-house, running an iPaaS model ('we run, you use') or Fully Managed Services - we continue to support all forms of operation. Find out how you can make your B2B processes even more efficient by selecting exactly the services that meet your individual requirements.

Stuart Prouse, Business Development Director, SEEBURGER
Dave Suffecool, Director Pre-Sales, SEEBURGER

November 07, 2024

Cloud Security – No Chance for Hackers
In this webcast, you will gain key insights into how cloud platforms can protect themselves against cyber attacks and prevent hackers from gaining a foothold. We highlight the key security strategies and best practices that protect your data in the cloud, from encryption to access control. Learn how to identify threats early, close security gaps, and continuously secure cloud platforms to ensure maximum security.

Stuart Prouse, Business Development Director, SEEBURGER
Dave Suffecool, Director Pre-Sales, SEEBURGER

November 21, 2024

Why Run Your Business in the Cloud on AWS: Focus on the Technical Benefits
In this webcast, you will learn why running in the cloud on AWS is so compelling and what the technical benefits are. We highlight the outstanding features and services of AWS that enable an efficient, scalable, and secure infrastructure. See real-world examples of how AWS streamlines IT operations through automation, flexibility, and high availability.

Michael Bader, Account Manager & certified AWS Speaker, Amazon Web Services

December 05, 2024

Secure Cloud Migration Planning: Minimize Risk, Standardize Processes
In this webcast, you will learn how to make your cloud migration secure and effective by proactively mitigating risk and standardizing processes. We will discuss best practices for identifying and minimizing potential risks during migration. You will also learn how a standardized approach ensures a smooth and secure transition of your integration processes to the cloud. Gain valuable insights and tips to make your migration not only secure, but also efficient.

The webcasts will take place on Thursdays from 16:00 - 16:45 CEST (Berlin) | 10:00 - 10:45 EDT (New York).


Porträt Stuart P.
Stuart Prouse

Business Development Director


Dave Suffecool
Dave Suffecool

Director, Solution Architects