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What Is An EDI Mapping?

Discover how to seamlessly convert file formats to EDI mapping standards for efficient communication with your trading partners

1. Executive Summary

EDI mapping is critical for facilitating seamless electronic data interchange (EDI) between businesses, enabling the exchange of structured data like purchase orders and invoices. It involves defining translation rules between different data formats to ensure accurate data exchange. The EDI mapping process includes data analysis, mapping specification, implementation, testing and deployment. Specialized software tools, such as EDI converters, automate this process, enhancing efficiency and reducing errors. Additionally, understanding EDI basics through training is essential for effective EDI management and communication with trading partners. SEEBURGER offers training and SEEXML mappings to simplify and scale EDI processes.

2. Five steps for EDI mapping

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the exchange of structured data, such as purchase orders, invoices and shipping notices, between businesses in a standardized electronic format. Each trading partner in an EDI transaction may use their own internal data formats and standards, so EDI mapping is necessary to ensure that data can be accurately exchanged between them.

EDI mapping refers to the process of defining the translation rules between the data formats of two different computer systems involved in an EDI transaction. EDI mapping defines the translation of data structures from a proprietary file (in csv format, txt, SAP IDoc, ERP-specific etc.) into a standard EDI mapping format (EDIFACT, ANSI X12 etc.) and vice versa.

EDI mapping involves the following five steps:

Data analysis: Analyze the structure and content of the incoming and outgoing data files.
Mapping specification process: Define the mapping rules, which specify how each data element in the source format corresponds to the data element in the target format.
Mapping implementation: Write code or configure software to execute the mapping rules and perform the data transformation.
Testing: Test the mapping process to ensure that data is accurately translated between formats.
Deployment: Deploy the mapping solution into the production environment for ongoing use.

The mapping specification process involves identifying the data elements in one system's format and mapping them to corresponding data elements in the other system's format. This includes specifying the data types, lengths, and formats of each data element, as well as any transformations or validations that need to be applied during the translation process. Once the mapping rules are defined, they are typically implemented using specialized software tools called EDI translators or EDI converters (mapping software). These tools can automatically convert data from one format to another according to the mapping rules, enabling seamless communication and integration between different systems in an EDI environment. After the EDI mapping is implemented and tested, trading partners can seamlessly exchange business documents electronically, improving efficiency and reducing errors compared to manual data entry or paper-based processes.

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3. EDI converter tool

An EDI converter tool converts data (messages) from an ERP system into the established EDI mapping standard. To exchange data electronically between EDI trading partners, both parties need to agree on an established EDI mapping standard, which is defined by various organizations such as the UN, ANSI, VDA or DIN. In addition to the global EDIFACT and the North American ANSI X12 standard, there are other regional and industry-specific EDI message standards. From a pure syntax perspective, an EDI format must strictly follow the established EDI mapping standard. With an EDI converter tool from SEEBURGER, you can integrate a multitude of other data formats.

An EDI converter tool and an EDI translator tool are both specialized software programs designed to facilitate the exchange of electronic data between different computer systems using EDI standards. The terms EDI converter and EDI translator are often used interchangeably in the industry, but they all refer to software tools that facilitate EDI communication between businesses.

These EDI mapping tools typically perform several functions:


They translate data from one EDI format to another, allowing different systems to communicate and exchange information.


They parse incoming EDI documents, breaking them down into individual data elements for processing and manipulation.


They validate EDI data against predefined standards and rules to ensure accuracy and compliance.


They map data elements between different EDI formats according to predefined mapping rules.


They generate EDI documents from internal system data, enabling businesses to create and send EDI transactions to their trading partners.

4. EDI guidelines

Most retailers and automotive vendors are “EDI hubs” and publish their own EDI guidelines for their EDI communication and EDI data structures. In these guidelines, they explain which segments, elements and codes they use and which are mandatory or optional. This has the advantage of narrowing down the general EDIFACT and ANSI X12 message structures. The disadvantage is that the EDI process becomes more complex when suppliers deal with many customers that use their own EDI guidelines for their own EDI mapping documents. As a result, suppliers need a specific EDI mapping for each of their customers, and then they typically need a direct mapping for each of their EDI customers — and each mapping must be written, tested and maintained.

5. Direct mapping

During conversion, the information from the source structure is transferred to the target structure using an individually-created mapping. This 1:1 translation is called "direct mapping" or 1:1 mapping, and it uniquely describes the data relation structure between both trading partners.

6. Indirect mapping

Canonical mappings

Canonical (Indirect) EDI mappings greatly simplify writing, change management and maintenance of mappings with message format definitions as with an EDI message. Canonical (Indirect) EDI mappings provide a partner mapping with standard format definitions that are unique for the respective trading partner and convert the EDI message into an abstraction layer format. A company-specific mapping takes the data from the abstraction layer and converts it to the in-house format that the receiver’s ERP system can consume. This type of indirect EDI mapping approach makes the conversion of an EDI format (e.g. SAP IDoc conversion) easier because it scales better. This means that there is one process, two process maps and any number of partner mappings.


SEEBURGER uses SEEXML — a canonical format developed by SEEBURGER. SEEXML trading partner mappings are available for more than 10,000 trading partner relations. For each ERP-system and business process, there is one unique process map. On the partner side, there is one ready-to-use partner map that is specific to a trading partner and comes from the SEEBURGER mapping repository.

SEEXML — a canonical format developed by SEEBURGER

Benefits of indirect (canonical) SEEXML EDI mappings


Reduce the number of unique EDI mappings to the minimum

Scale externally

Quickly connect a large number of EDI trading partners

Scale internally

Easily connect more than one ERP system


Changes and extensions are much easier and more speedy to implement


Less effort required for creation, maintenance and testing of EDI mappings results in cost reduction



7. EDI training

EDI training empowers individuals within organizations reliant on EDI document exchanges to become proficient in managing EDI processes efficiently, fostering seamless communication with trading partners. As businesses increasingly turn to EDI for streamlined communication and transactions, understanding EDI basics, including EDI mappings, becomes imperative for seamless and efficient operations. EDI training courses typically cover a range of topics, starting from the EDI basics to more advanced concepts. Learning EDI basics within an organization involves comprehending the structure of EDI documents, such as purchase orders, invoices and shipping notices, and understanding how data is formatted and transmitted between trading partners electronically. Participants in EDI classes also become familiar with EDI communication protocols such as AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol), along with secure transmission methods like encryption and digital signatures. Practical exercises and case studies are integral components of EDI training, allowing participants to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. By simulating EDI scenarios and troubleshooting potential errors, learners develop hands-on experience, which is invaluable in their day-to-day roles within an organization.

The SEEBURGER Academy offers EDI mapping training for the SEEBURGER BIS Platform in the BIS Mapping Designers Basics and BIS Mapping Designer Advanced courses.

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